Let Ancient Wisdom Guide You in the Modern World
“In all shamanic practice, it is vital to learn how to be fully present, in a state of reverence, for the sanctity of ancient indigenous rituals and ceremonies.”
Workshops & Apprenticeships in Shamanism
Sacred Community in West Palm Beach, Ocala, and other locations in Florida
With loving support and compassionate understanding, I facilitate participants in an ancient shamanic process of re-membering and reconnecting with the beauty and wisdom of Pachamama, our beloved Earth Mother, with guidance provided by the Unseen Realms, our collective energies, as well as your own sacred wholeness of spirit.
In half-day workshops, weekend intensives, & year-long apprenticeships, I work as a Mentor and Guide offering the wisdom of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition to all who seek traditional shamanic wisdom in the precious container of a dedicated community of practitioners.
What is Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT)?
Do you often wish for change within yourSelf, and/or in the world? Do you feel, at times, as if nothing makes sense in our disconnected, materialistic culture? Do you yearn for community, inner peace, and empowerment?
Originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada, an internationally respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) is a way of being in the world that embodies “indigenous practices for personal and planetary renewal.” PMT is a rich and evolving practice of inner and outer activities that restore balance and harmony to our relationships with All That Is.
The ancient Peruvian teachings and wisdom apply brilliantly to the challenges of the present day. While there may not be specific “answers” to the questions we often ponder about life, the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition offers a “way” for those who desire to be of service to themselves, their families, their community, and Mother Earth to become clearer and feel their wholeness. As don Oscar says:
“When we surrender the need to figure it all out, and cultivate the ability to let it all in, then our earth walk becomes a sacred dance of healing service on the planet.
More than the world needs saving,
it needs loving.”
The practice of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition has gained worldwide attention and respect. I have been Sanctioned by don Oscar to teach the Apprenticeships and Intensives of the tradition; see below. All are welcome to this community of awakening and connection! Although I work primarily in West Palm Beach and Ocala, Florida, I’m available to facilitate these programs anywhere throughout the USA.
Half-day Introductory Workshops
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Introductory Workshop is an opportunity to begin experiencing the empowering foundational practices of this cross-cultural shamanic arts tradition – particularly the importance of conscious presence. These workshops impart precious ancient wisdom that’s fully relevant to modern times; those attending will gain an understanding of the powerful applications for this shamanic work that can be applied immediately to their everyday lives.
Wilka Hampiq: Energy Medicine Intensive
From The Heart of the Healer website: Based on the teachings of don Oscar Miro Quesada, Wilka Hampiq (Sacred Medicine Spirit) is for those called deeply to the path of healing. It builds on your foundational relationship with the elements, providing intensive practice in the ritual use of the vibrational frequencies of earth, water, air, fire, and ether to harmonize challenges within the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and soul.
This is an opportunity to expand your capacity as a healer for yourself, your community, and the planet. By forming a personal and active alliance with the tutelary animals and energetic forces of each direction of the Pachakuti Mesa, you will greatly elevate your capacity for healing. Certification is available; please ask for details.
PLEASE NOTE: This intermediate-level training for has the prerequisite of either completing the 5-session Foundational Apprenticeship, or in-person/online trainings with don Oscar.
Apprenticeship Program
The PMT Apprenticeship Series is an extraordinary Soul Journey and an awakening of Self. There is no prerequisite for Part 1 of the five-part apprenticeship series; all subsequent classes require completion of the preceding classes, under the guidance of a PMT Sanctioned Teacher. This program is open to anyone who is interested in learning how to establish an atmosphere supporting the honoring of traditions in community, and for personal spiritual practice.
The Art of Earth Offerings: A Deepening Apprenticeship
Based on the teachings of don Oscar Miro Quesada, this is an opportunity to develop advanced skill and intelligence in the ceremonial application of Ayni through the art of despacho making.
The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of shamanism provides a comprehensive understanding of the ritual cosmology and healing use of the sacred powers and forces revered by Andean wisdom-keepers since time immemorial.
These practices are relevant for people from all walks of life who are seeking to maximize their presence as sources of healing light in the world. You’ll be apprenticed in ritual arts derived from Peru’s northern coastal kamasqa curandersimo and southeastern highland paqokuna shamanic traditions in a communal envelope of trust, curiosity, and creativity.
In addition to the Course Essentials book, you will receive a Despacho Handbook that includes ceremonial components, an exhaustive list of ingredients and their symbolism, and intention-specific Lineage ceremonies.
Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Workshops & 5-Part Intensives
Note: the list below is for upcoming Apprenticeships only; to see a list of previous offerings and current offerings in progress, visit my Events page. As well, if you have already taken a particular workshop or apprenticeship and would like to take it a second time, I offer a discount for that! Reach out and ask me, I have a number of students who do!

“Working with Mona during and after the five-part PMT Apprenticeship was sublime. She is an awesome coach with a lot of knowledge about the PMT. Her passion for what she does knows no limit. She creates a stable and peaceful space that enables you to be all you can be. Her loving support and understanding heart is an awesome asset for the student.”
-Remy de Hass, Curacao