Shamanism in Florida: Integrative Healing for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Holistic Services Offered In-Person in the Palm Beach County Area, Integrating ancient shamanic traditions and modern holistic medicine in my work as a reverend and ceremonial artist, to support your health and healing
In our sessions, I incorporate the wisdom and teachings of the elders, ancestors, universal energy, and divinity. It is my honor and my privilege to assist in a client’s healing path. My practice helps my clients awaken to their highest potential through the wisdom of their own mind, body, soul. Two examples of Shamanic Healing sessions are:
Soul Retrieval
In the shamanic traditions, soul retrievals are performed to re-unite “lost parts” of ourselves with our spirit. Soul loss can occur through trauma, illness, an accident, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or severe stress. I call upon the assistance of my spirit allies to “find” the dis-associated “lost part” and return it anew. It is re-integrated as a healthy and healed aspect of the psyche once again.
Shamanic Extraction
Extractions are removal of dense, unwanted energies or blockages in the physical body or auric field. These may create illness, pain, depression, etc. In severe cases, dense entities may intrusively attach to a person’s auric field and create anxiety or the person feeling unsafe or “not themselves.” I perform extractions in several different ways, depending on the individual.
Tutelary animals and spirit guides assist the shaman’s healing work, as depicted in this inspirational painting by Teri T Gilfilin

In 2005, Mona Rain discovered the power and healing of the sacred drumming & ceremonial arts. Not long after, Mona was given the message by her spirit guides to create and hold her own circles for her community in West Palm Beach, Florida. Her intention is to create a community circle for connection, healing, prayer, honoring the ancestors of Turtle Island, and to revive the ancient traditions of the native relations.
Drumming Circles
We gather in a circle as a community around the fire to feel the heartbeat of our Mother Earth through the power of the drum. Re-membering this ancient ritual, the pulse of the drum in rhythm with your heartbeat, and offer your prayers and gratitude to the Great Mystery.
Sacred Fire
Sacred fire ceremonies are held for the purpose of connecting with the spirits of the land and honoring equinoxes, solstices, full moons, and special events. Gather in a circle, as our ancestors did, and experience indigenous ritual and community.
Incan Despacho
Experience the Magical Energy of the Incan Despacho Ceremony. An ancient practice, a despacho is a gift back to Pachamama. In this ceremony, you will learn how to create a small despacho of your own. Mona is also available on an individual basis to create despachos for your specific purpose.
Integrative Energy sessions are a combination of the full experience & training that I’ve received in over 30 years of work in healthcare, and as a Reverend and Shamanic Practitioner. In my complementary role with medical doctors, orthopedists, neurologists, dentists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and physical therapists, I underwent extensive training through the Upledger Institute and Synthesis Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. As well, I’m a Willka Hampiq Peruvian Energy Medicine Sanctioned Teacher & Sanctioned Teacher of don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Shamanic practitioner through The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery School.
Into this loom’s warp of my professional work in medicine, I weave the weft of my extensive Shamanic arts and Reverendship to form a complete holistic experience for my clients. Integrative Energy Sessions may include:
Advanced CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a bodywork method that focuses on gently stimulating the CranioSacral system (the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord) to heal the body. It improves the functioning of the central nervous system and effectively complements your body’s natural healing process and immune system. It has been medically documented to alleviate a wide variety of health problems and is appropriate for children, adolescents, and adults. It is highly recommended that a series of 3-10 sessions are considered to ensure the complete results of this therapy, depending on your personal health history.
Gemstone Healing and Chakra Balancing
Gemstones and their healing potentials are comparable to having another set of “hands” in my healing room. Each gemstone contains their own vibrational state, molecular makeup, and color frequency. When experiencing a healing session with gemstones, Gemstones are placed on the seven chakra energy centers to restore energetic balance to that particular area. Restoring balance and harmony at each chakra is the intention for health and well-being. Gemstones are Mother Earth’s natural healers and have been used for healing in many ancient civilizations. Gemstone Healing and Chakra Balancing may be scheduled separately or as part of an Integrative Energy Session.
Soma-Energetics & Solfeggio Frequencies
Soma-Energetics is a sound therapy technique using the power of the ancient solfeggio frequencies. Solfeggio frequencies make up the 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the well known Gregorian Chants. Each Solfeggio tone is composed of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind, and spirit in perfect harmony. Distortions in the etheric template of our auric field may be a prediction of illness months before it becomes manifest in the physical body. Working these frequencies in the form of energy tuning forks, we can detect distortions in the etheric field. Using 5th-dimensional energy, you have the opportunity to let go, re-pattern the distortion, and change the anticipated physical outcome. This makes Soma-Energetics preventive work and complementary to other modalities.
Ecuadorian Fire Cleansings are from the Yachak lineage tradition and have evolved from the volcanic fire energies in the high Andes of Ecuador. Pilgrimages are made to the three sacred volcanic vortexes in Ecuador. These sacred volcanic vortexes are a combination of the masculine and feminine energies of the spirits. The Fire Cleansing ceremony unites these energies.
Mona undertook pilgrimages and experienced initiations in Ecuador, receiving the teachings and initiating so that she may perform Fire Cleansings for others.
The Fire Cleansings elicit rapid cleansing, releasing, and transmuting. It is Powerful, Transformational, and Healing for ALL of the subtle bodies and contains the direct energy of the sacred volcanic vortexes of the Yachak lineage.
Allow the element of the sacred fire to transmute the heavy energy you may be carrying, and open yourself to new balanced energy. After the Fire Cleansing, you will feel lighter, refreshed, and energized.
Following the cleansing, your auric field will be balanced and sealed with a floral water bath specially prepared by Mona. Each preparation is unique for the recipient.
Mona is currently accepting appointments for Fire Cleansings. Mona may be able to come to a personal home for Fire Cleansings but this is on a case-by-case basis.