Meet Mona Rain
Chacaruna: (n) Incan term; literally “bridge person.” A chacaruna is one who helps others cross from one state of consciousness to other states of consciousness, from the mind to the heart, from the present to the past or to the future. A chacaruna is always exploring this reality to connect with the perfection of creation.
As a healer, teacher, and curandera (medicine woman) for over 30 years, shamanic practitioner Mona Rain’s focus is on bridging ancient shamanic traditions and holistic healing practices.
She’s dedicated her life’s work to assisting others in discovering love, compassion and both within themselves and within their relationships.
Her art is creating space for lasting body, mind, heart, and Spirit healing to take root. She works with clients both in-person in the Palm Beach, FL area, on retreat in Peru, or remotely.
Mona’s writing appears alongside Sandra Ingerman, Hank Wesselman, Alberto Villoldo and other luminaries in Itzhak Beery’s Shamanic Transformations: True Stories of the Moment of Awakening
She has recently contributed her own shamanic journey to don Oscar Miro-Quesada’s book :
Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation
and her work was also featured in:
The Owl, A Sacred Stories Magazine - Autumn 2022
This current period of Pachakuti, of great transition, has left many feeling scattered. These are the moments that our ancient traditions were made for:
That in sacred community we gather and work with the elements, the ancestors, and the unseen world to lovingly tend our Earth Mother, ourSelves, and each other to a state of wholeness & completion.

Mona Rain is a Multi-Disciplinary Self-Healing Guide in South Florida
who specializes in nurturing sacred community and empowering individuals to heal & grow.

Journey to Shaman
In 1998, Mona was plunged into a “healing crisis” from vaccine poisoning, and experienced her initiatory “shamanic death.” The experience propelled Mona to seek shamanic connection and guidance to access profound healing within herself. She was led to the Yachak fire shamans in Ecuador and was initiated into the Path of Light and Fire Tradition in the high Andean mountains. From that moment, the energies and traditions of the Andes became her passion and life’s work. The story of the beginning of her shamanic path has been published in Shamanic Transformations – True Stories of the Moment of Awakening, edited by Itzhak Beery (published by Inner Traditions, 2015). You can also read about it in this blog post.
As Mona’s fascination in the shamanic realms grew and her experiences in personal healing continued, her journeys and training brought her to the indigenous cultures of North and South America. She has been blessed with powerful ceremonial interactions, teachings, practices, and initiations from don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, John Perkins, anthropologists and archeologists of Peru, the Yatiri Elders of Bolivia, the Grandmothers of the Global Sacred Water Tribe, as well as other tribal medicine keepers of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Mona has spent extensive time traveling throughout Peru and Ecuador, with direct initiations, experiences and training.
Bridging ancient healing practices with holistic medicine
Mona inter-weaves the shamanic healing practices of the ancients and indigenous cultures with a modern flair. Her focus in on guiding you to accessing and working with your OWN innate healing wisdom to create personal empowerment and to continuously work to restore balance and harmony in these auspicious times of awakening consciousness.
Studies & Certifications
Mona is one of only 25 currently Sanctioned Teachers & lineage carriers of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts. Mona has also worked with the Yachak Fire Shamans of Otavalo, Ecuador and was initiated by Don Esteban Tamayo, the great Otavalan shaman from the high Andes of Ecuador.
Mona’s extensive training in holistic medicine includes over 12 years in comprehensive outpatient physical therapy, working closely with orthopaedists, neurologists, dentists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, and psychologists. Mona studied Transpersonal Psychology at the Synthesis Institute in Miami.
Mona has extensively studied Advanced Craniosacral Therapies and Acupressure at the Upledger Institute, learning advanced modalities, including therapeutic imagery & “speaking” with the consciousness of the body, mind, and spirit (biofeedback). “I allow the body’s own ‘healing wisdom’ to guide a treatment session”
For more information about Mona’s training and credentials, please take a look at her The Heart of the Healer Profile.

“I had the incredible experience of realizing a dream. I believe that I was able to bring this dream to fruition, in this lifetime, due to my sacred contract with Mona Rain.
It has been through and with her guidance, mentorship, compassion, unconditional love and understanding (that I have experienced peace and healing). She holds a genuine belief in her mission to be the bridge that enables those of us who choose the journey, to travel and arrive back home, safely and complete. I have experienced Mona’s essence and truth, and know that she works from the highest level of integrity.”
- Susan Johnston, Pensacola, Florida
Intuitive Life Coach/Certified Clinical Transpersonal Hypnotherapist
Mona’s Latest Blog Posts & Publications
SHUNGO! (Quechua) ~ “From my Highest Heart to your Highest Heart”

It Would Be My Honor to Work With You
If you are local to the Palm Beach County Florida area, take a look at the In-Person Offerings & Ceremonies
I am available to work with anyone globally through highly potent remote distance healing sessions. Take a look at the Online Offerings