How to Do a Sacred Full Moon Ritual

Regaining Our Sacred Connection to the Rhythms of Nature and Self

This Full Moon Ritual ritual may be done on your own at home, or as part of a group ritual. To prepare, select a cleansed (saged) crystal, stone, or another sacred item to be infused with the rarefied energies of January’s full moon. (Be aware ~ the sacred item might just choose you!) In addition, gather an offering of gratitude such as tobacco, blue or yellow cornmeal, or Florida water.

Shamanic full moon rituals you can practice at home.

Stand outside facing the full moon, with your sacred item in your left hand, open to the moon’s FULL lunar essence. This Full Moon expresses our authentic, radiant heartsupported by the energies of our planetary Sun in Aquarius. It is a Full Moon of dreaming and visioning, manifesting possibilities you have always desired with full capacity and plenty of energy.

As you connect deeply with Grandmother Moon, also known as Mama Killa (“Kee-Yah”), offer prayers of greeting and gratitude, and then speak your intentions and visions to Her. Standing as close to the peak of the moon’s fullness as you can, blow your prayers and dreams into your sacred item. Bask in Her presence, remaining bathed in the beauty of Mama Killa’s lunar light for as long as you desire. Know that you have now asked the natural energies of the Universe to support your process.

When you feel complete, end this ritual with gratitude by offering tobacco, cornmeal, or water to Mother Earth – Mama Pacha. This act creates a cycle of sacred reciprocity, also known as ayni (“eye-knee”), within the web of life.

When you return to your mesa or altar, place your sacred item in the cardinal direction of the west. This is the direction of the energies of Mama Killa, dreaming, water, and the heart! Let the energy enliven your mesa, and your ongoing prayers. Be aware of future manifestations of this night’s intentions, and connect with these energies for continued clarity in your sacred earth walk.

Full Moons are all about the culmination of inner and outer abundance at every level! This particular Full Moon also supports projects and travel, new relationships, and new partnerships. Dream well!

*With respect, this full moon ritual is based upon a Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) teachings.

**According to don Oscar Miro-Quesada, founder of the PMT, moon rituals may be done effectively in the three days leading up to and following new and full moons.

***Read Mona’s blog post about ayni, “sacred reciprocity,” here.

Jane Fish

Ready to work with a web designer that can amplify your mission and connect you with the people who need to hear it the most? Then you need to get Jane Fish’s capable hands & creative eye on your website.

As a Marketing-Director-turned-Solopreneur, Jane happily traded in floor-to-ceiling windows to help small business owners rank on page 1 of Google and fill inboxes with daily inquiries. She's helped thought-leaders, coaches, keynote speakers, shamans & movement facilitators tap into the parts of their brands that needed to be uncovered, pair imagery with impactful copy, and book their dream clients.

When she is not creating impactful websites, you can find Jane taking in a forest bath or getting odd looks from her neighbors as she strolls the manicured Doylestown, PA streets with her naked dogs.

Expressions of Gratitude & Sacred Reciprocity


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