Shungo! The Healer’s Blog
SHUNGO! (Quechua) ~ “From my Highest Heart to your Highest Heart”
The Equinox and its Spiritual Significance
The equinox (occurring twice yearly, when day and night are of equal length), is the perfect time to become conscious of what it means to be in communion with all sentient beings.
A Message of Gratitude to our Brothers and Sisters
Each time I travel into the Sacred Lands of Peru that I so dearly love, I am always asked to offer a prayer or a kintu, or to pray at a specific vortex, or bring back a stone from a sacred site, or a specific item from the local markets.
Expressions of Gratitude & Sacred Reciprocity
Ayni is the exchange of energy that creates sacred reciprocity and interchange. It is balance and equilibrium amongst all of life, including people, animals, and nature and the cosmos.
Awakening & Transformation in Peru: What is a Vision Quest?
On the last day of our 14-day journey, I asked each of the travelers to tell me about their high points on the trip: “Do we have to pick just one…? They were All so incredibly beautiful and magnificent in their own way! There’s no way we can choose!”
Summer Solstice: A Blessing to Inti, the Sun God
Summer Solstice is a time for giving thanks and for dance-filled, life-affirming celebrations of the gifts of the season. Check out this blog for a blessing to the sun you can recite during this time.