Shungo! The Healer’s Blog
SHUNGO! (Quechua) ~ “From my Highest Heart to your Highest Heart”
Video: Mona Speaks from the Heart with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Mona Rain, South Florida Shaman and Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teacher, sits down to talk with don Oscar Miro-Quesada to give you a glimpse into what it is like to become a teacher and mentor.
The Equinox and its Spiritual Significance
The equinox (occurring twice yearly, when day and night are of equal length), is the perfect time to become conscious of what it means to be in communion with all sentient beings.
New Book: Becoming a Shaman in the Modern Age
Shamanic Transformations: True Stories of the Moment of Awakening features inspiring accounts of the “first moments of spiritual epiphany” as experienced by 47 renowned shamans.
Sacred Textiles for Your Home Altar
To take your creation of sacred space to another conscious level, consider the use of an authentic Peruvian Altar Cloth, or Mesa Cloth, as it is known to those who practice shamanism.
How to Connect With Your Power Animals and Spirit Allies
Connecting with our Power Animals allows us to tap into the Power Animal’s inherent traits, protection capabilities, habits and adaptations to bring forth wisdom, protection, and life guidance.
What is an Apacheta?
Apachetas are much bigger than cairns, constructed of many large size stone relatives. They were particularly important to the Incan Empire.
Harness Wisdom from the Mountain Spirits
The indigenous peoples of the Andes offer prayers and gratitude to the mountain spirits (the APUs) to connect with the Wisdom of the “Old Ones”.
Summer Solstice: A Blessing to Inti, the Sun God
Summer Solstice is a time for giving thanks and for dance-filled, life-affirming celebrations of the gifts of the season. Check out this blog for a blessing to the sun you can recite during this time.